Kids need to know that they are loved. They need to know how special they are. Failing to praise your kids leads to poor self esteem and encourages your kids to seek the attention they crave from someone else.
Talking Points:
- Parenting Principle #3: Every child needs praise. Praise works in tandem with discipline. You need both to raise healthy kids. Discipline is for correcting wrong behavior. Praise is for building up their self-esteem. Proverbs 16:24, Ephesians 4:32
- God spoke loving words over Jesus affirming His value and purpose. If God took the time to do it, so should we. Matthew 3:16-17
- Our praise needs to be intentional, authentic and unique to each kid.
- Use the 3 T’s of Praise:
- Talk: use your words to speak love and praise over your kids.
- Time: spend time with your kids and show them that they are a priority to you.
- Touch: show affection to them
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Describe the “love” climate in your home growing up (affectionate/affirming or cold/distant?) How have those family dynamics affected the way you express love to your kids?
- Read Proverbs 16:24. Share a personal experience you’ve had with the power of positive words. Why do your kids need to hear encouraging words from you?
- Read Matthew 3:16-17. What stands out to you about what God said? Why was it important for him to speak those words?
- Read Ephesians 4:32. How well do you speak love to your kids? How could you improve?
- What would quality time look like with each of your kids? What will that time communicate to them?
- Why is affection an important part of expressing love? How do you need to improve in this area and what kind of affection do each of your kids need?
- Are you familiar with the 5 love languages? What would you guess is your kid’s language? How can knowing their language help you to love them more?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?