Start at church. Take it home.
PursueGOD KIDSWelcome to PG Kids – the affordable, downloadable, Jesus-centered Sunday School curriculum from the creators of
For Churches & Schools
One price for all church sizes! For just $39 per month your teachers and parents get instant access to kid-friendly lessons every week.
For Families
Don’t attend a church or school that uses PGK? Looking to download our curriculum just for your family devotionals? Family Pass gives you kids’ lessons and parenting resources every week – for just $12 per month!
Click the video to learn more:

Kids' Church Curriculum
Scope & Sequence
Four categories. Three years. 156 total lessons. And it’s all about Jesus!
Bible Basics
Life of Jesus
Kid Wisdom
Click for Year 1 Lessons
Click for Year 2 Lessons
Click for Year 3 Lessons
Not interested in Simple Scheduling? Try our one-time purchase option.

Kids' Church Curriculum
Sample Lessons
Click below for samples of our kid-friendly, parent-approved lessons.
Jesus Walks On Water
When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can be brave no matter what!
When Moses Glowed
When Moses came down the mountain, everyone could see that God rubbed off on him.
How Do I Pray?
Kids can make a great habit of prayer if they remember three simple letters.