There are many ways to ease the stressful times experienced when raising a family, but one of the most important ways to manage a household is the introduction of structure.
Key Points:
- Providing structure in the home keeps kids safe and parents sane. Children growing up in a structured home are more well-adjusted to society’s rules and the variety of limits that are thrown into the journey of living.
- Structure requires a plan. What structure means varies from family-to-family, but the core principles of structure apply to all families. Proverbs 13:24
- God created with structure in mind. If he emphasizes structure, so should we.
<strong>Talk About It</strong>
- What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Share your observations of a family you know who are free-spirited and unstructured. What are some positives you see in their family? What are some negatives?
- Describe your household currently as far as it pertains to structure. What structure exists and how does it work?
- Read Proverbs 13:24. How does this proverb apply to developing and maintaining structure in the home?
- How can structure actually create more freedom for parents? What about for kids?
- Read Romans 7:7. What structures has God put in place to keep us safe? How can we apply this to our children and family lives?
- How can a set of rules in the home help stifle the ambiguity that breeds stress?
- Write a personal action step based on this conversation.