Watch the video above and talk about it with your family. Learn more.

Almost everyone knows the Golden Rule: that we should treat others how we want to be treated. That means treat them right!

Key Points:

  • Kids basics #3 is to treat others right. The Golden Rule is all about treating others how we want to be treated. And since we want to be treated right, we should treat others right.
  • Here are three ways to know you’re treating others right: be nice to every kid, don’t say mean things behind others’ backs, and treat others how you want to be treated.
  • The Golden Rule says to treat others the way you want to be treated (Matthew 7:12). 
  • It’s pretty simple. If you want to survive and win at being a kid, treat others right. Treat them the way you want to be treated.

Memory Verse:

Matthew 7:12 Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.

See Also: Friendship, Kindness

<strong>Talk About It</strong>
  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?
  2. Describe a time someone was really nice to you. How did that feel? What about a time someone was really mean to you. How did that feel?
  3. How well do you think you’re doing at treating others right? What are you good at? What needs some work?
  4. Make a list of how you want to be treated. Now, look at that list. Do you think you can treat others that way?
  5. Read Proverbs 18:24. How can the “not so nice” friends hurt you? Why do you think a true friend is compared to a brother (sister)?
  6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

This is part of the Survival Guide for Kids series.