Stuff You Missed

Your parents might have missed these Bible stories when they were your age, but you don’t have to!


Your parents might have missed these Bible stories when they were your age, but you don't have to!

Key Points:

  • God promised to make Samson a warrior. Judges 13:5
  • Samson promised God not to touch dirty things, not to drink alcohol. and never cut his hair.
  • The story of Samson is about self control and keeping your promises. Judges 16:19

Memory Verse:

1 Timothy 4:8 Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better…

Talk About It
  1. Parents: Who is the strongest person you know? Kids: Who is the strongest person you know?
  2. Kids: Who were the good guys in the story? Who were the bad guys?
  3. Kids: What did Samson promise God he would never do to his hair?
  4. Parents: What does self control mean? 
  5. Parents: Share a time you showed self control and made a good choice. Share a time you lacked self control and made a bad choice. 
  6. Kids: What does self control look like when you’re playing your favorite sport? What does it look like when you’re hanging around with your friends?
  7. Parents and Kids: What are some things your family can do to strengthen your spiritual muscles?

This is part of the Stuff You Missed series.

KC Downloads:

Your parents might have missed these Bible stories when they were your age, but you don't have to!

Key Points:

  • Elijah was a prophet, which is another word for messenger.
  • God has existed forever.
  • God is the real God.
  • We worship the One True God by singing and obeying.

Memory Verse:

Isaiah 40:28 …the Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of all the earth.

Talk About It
  1. Parents and Kids: Name 5 things you’re grateful that God created.
  2. Kids: Who was Elijah? What was the job of a prophet?
  3. Kids: Why do you think people wanted to worship silly things rather than God?
  4. Parents: What are some examples of idols in today’s culture that people elevate above God?
  5. Read 1 Kings 18:22-38. Kids: What did God do to prove that He was the only real God? Kids: Why was Elijah so confident that his plan would work?
  6. Parents: Share a story of how God has shown up in your life in a cool way.
  7. Parents and Kids: How can you show gratitude to God this week?

KC Resources:

Your parents might have missed these Bible stories when they were your age, but you don't have to!

Key Points:

  • The Moabites, the Ammonites and the Meunites declared war to King Jehoshaphat. 2 Chronicles 20:1-2
  • Jehoshaphat prayed to God when he was in trouble. 2 Chronicles 20:6
  • Jehoshaphat knew that God was the only hope for his kingdom.
  • God wants to help you in every situation.

Memory Verse:

2 Chronicles 20:9 …We can cry out to you to save us, and you will hear us and rescue us.

Talk About It
  1. Kids: How do you act when you don’t get your way or think something is unfair?
  2. Parents: Share about a stressful time in your life. How did you act in the midst of that struggle?
  3. Kids: What did Jehoshaphat do when he was faced with a stressful situation? What happened after Jehoshaphat prayed?
  4. Parents: What are the three things we should remember to do when we pray?
  5. Read Philippians 4:6-7. Kids: Why don’t we need to worry when we pray? Who will help us when we’re scared? Parents: How can we be thankful even when we’re scared?

This is part of the Stuff You Missed series.

KC Downloads:

Your parents might have missed these Bible stories when they were your age, but you don't have to!

Key Points:

  • Naaman was a great warrior, but he was a leper.
  • The girl with no name is a hero because she chose to show kindness to someone who was not nice to her. 2 Kings 5:3
  • Compassion means be tender-hearted to someone and see things from their point of view.

Memory Verse:

Psalms 103:8  The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

Talk About It
  1. Kids: Has anyone ever been mean to you at school? How did it make you feel? Did you ever try to be nice to them anyway?
  2. Kids: Who was the mean guy in the story? What disease did he have?
  3. Parents: What does it mean to show compassion to others? Share a time you showed kindness to someone in need.
  4. Read Psalm 103:8 Parents and Kids: What does this verse say about God’s character?
  5. Read Matthew 5:47. Kids: Why does God want us to be nice to everyone, not just our friends? What happens when we’re nice to others?

This is part of the Stuff You Missed series.

KC Downloads:

Your parents might have missed these Bible stories when they were your age, but you don't have to!

Key Points:

  • Josiah was only eight years old when he became king. 2 Kings 22:1-2
  • Idols are things that are not God. 2 Kings 23:2-3
  • Josiah read God’s Word and obeyed it.
  • The Bible has God’s words written on it so you can read it, obey it, and share it! 2 Timothy 3:16

Memory Verse:

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

<strong>Talk About It</strong>
  1. Are you an “expert” at something your parents know nothing about? (science, TV show, legos, a sport) Have you tried to teach them? How did it go?
  2. Kids: How old was Josiah when he became king? What rules would you make if you became president?
  3. Parents: Have you had bad teachers or bosses in your life? How did you handle that?
  4. Read 2 Timothy 3:16. Kids: Why is the Bible so important to people who love God? How does it help us?
  5. Parents: How has reading the Bible helped you in your life?
  6. Parents and Kids: What’s the difference between hearing versus obeying God’s word? What does it take to be obedient?

KC Resources:

Your parents might have missed these Bible stories when they were your age, but you don't have to!

Key Points:

  • The names of the three friends were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
  • The three friends knew and worshiped the real God. Daniel 3:1-6
  • The three friends had Big faith in a Big God. Daniel 3:17-18
  • The three friends were thrown into the blazing furnace, but God rescued them! Daniel 3:19-26

Memory Verse:

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.

<strong>Talk About It</strong>
  1. Kids: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? Were you nervous? What or who helped you accomplish it?
  2. Kids: Read Daniel 3:8-12. What was the brave choice the friends had to make?
  3. Parents and Kids: Have you ever done something that was wrong just because you wanted to please your friends? Does this honor God? Why or why not?
  4. Read 1 corinthians 16:13. Parents and Kids: What are some ways you can be brave at work/school for God this week?

KC Downloads: