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Topic #1

How to Start a Relationship with God
The first thing every kid needs to know about the Christian faith is all about how to start a relationship with God.
Topic #2

How to Live as a Christian Kid
The second thing every kid needs to know about the Christian faith is how to live as a follower of Jesus. How does God want us to act?
Topic #3

How to Grow as a Christian
The third thing every kid needs to know about the Christian faith is how to grow up. God has a special mission for every Christian, even if you’re just a kid!
Topic #4

Let’s Talk about Baptism
What is water baptism all about, and why do we do it at church? It seems a little weird to a kid.
Topic #5

How God Pursues You | Psalm 139
Psalm 139 is one of the most popular psalms in the whole Bible, and it talks about how God pursues us even before we look for Him.
Topic #6
Topic #7

Don’t Worry About Anything
The Bible tells us what we’re supposed to do when we’re stressed or worried.
Topic #8
Topic #9

Jesus Dies for the Whole World
Jesus came to earth on a rescue mission from heaven. And to beat the enemy, he had to die.
Topic #10

Peter Heals a Beggar
We should show people how excited we are about the gifts that God gives us.